Monday, May 11, 2009

Oops! I forgot to add a link to my delicious account on my last post. Here it is:
Delicious is a fantastic tool. I think it would be very useful when someone is researching to have access to the other links used by people researching the same topic. The library could really take advantage of this tool - its like someone else doing the work for you, or at least only having to do the work once! On a personal level I think it would be better then using the favorite tab because it is available on whichever PC you are using, not just the one it was set up on. I really think i will use it again after this course!
Video online is a fantastic tool to get your library out there. You can show people, rather then just tell them. Youtube is an amazing site - it could be such a time-waster though! There is so much to look at that it is easy to get distracted. Embedding a video into your blog could cause its own problems though, it may slow everything down so much that people wont bother waiting for it to load. I started to look at lots of things today that simply take too long to load, and i found myself clicking off the page and going somewhere else.
I just added to the rivitiliser wiki: our favorite websites. It was really easy and i will be keen to contribute more to the site now that i know how easy it is!
Some of the Wiki's we looked at were very informative. They aren't just a great place to tell people about what you're doing, there are some great ideas for you to use on them as well. I really like the Library Success: a Best Practice Wiki - it had some very good ideas.
Bloglines was very difficult to use - I had lots of trouble with it (or maybe the problem is me - not bloglines!) I did get to look at the Powerhouse Museum photo of the day - the pink poodle neon sign, but that is where my sucess ended! I clicked on a feed which was titled something like: books, libraries, authors and other updates (or something), and a message came onto the screen explaining that i had tried to access a site with unacceptable content, and that my attempt to access the site had been recorded! Think i'll move on to week 5!
Flickr is amazing! I typed in Batlow and couldn't believe there were so many pictures - over 500! I even recognized some of the people in the photos as regular internet users at the library while they were in town! Check out this fantastic photo of sugarpine walk:
Flickr is amazing! I typed in Batlow and couldn't believe there were so many pictures - over 500! I even recognized some of the people in the photos as regular internet users at the library while they were in town!
I'm back! This time it will be easier - no interuptions and support in the same room! (Hopefully!)